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World cuisine

Typically Icelandic, but without the influence of the sea, is kjötsupa: lamb soup with potatoes and vegetables.

From Skyr to Kjötsupa These specialties are eaten in Iceland

Iceland is known for its fish, for example fermented shark, called hákarl. But there are many more specialties are eaten in Iceland.
Ralf Zacherl doesn't have a favorite cuisine. And yet he particularly likes dishes with a Tunisian touch - such as guinea fowl ras el-hanout

Recipe by Ralf Zacherl Home-made guinea fowl Tunisian-style

Why not try "Guinea fowl Ras el-Hanout"? Ralf Zacherl revealed the recipe exclusively to TRAVELBOOK. And it also helps against wanderlust.
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World's most expensive restaurant opens in Ibiza Would you pay 1500 euros for a meal?

On June 1, the most expensive restaurant on the planet opens in the new Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza. A menu at Sublimotion costs 1500 euros
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