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Travel calendar 2017

The best destinations for every month of the year

Where should the trip go? TRAVELBOOK reveals the best destinations for every month of the year
Where should you go? TRAVELBOOK reveals the best destinations for every month of the year Photo: Getty Images

September 27, 2024, 5:18 pm | Read time: 12 minutes

Which destination is best for which month? Or, when is the perfect time to travel to the place or country I have chosen as my destination? TRAVELBOOK reveals the best travel destinations for each month – and which ones you should avoid.

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We start with March.


WHERE TO TRAVEL: It’s starting to get warm in our favorite European countries, and there are many that are great destinations for this month. So head to Spain, Italy, and Portugal to hike and soak up the sun. At this time of year, it’s pleasantly warm, not yet overcrowded, and very affordable. This delightful climate persists into the months of April, May, October, and November.

March is also the last chance to get on your skis and whizz down the (hopefully still) white slopes in Switzerland or Austria, for example.

Now is also the perfect time to travel to Florida, another of the great destinations for this month. From March to May, sun-seekers, party-goers, and the world’s high society meet here. This comes to an end in August when the hurricane season begins.

India is an exotic spring destination: the famous “Holi” color festival begins in many places in March – a great experience.

BETTER AVOID: Hiking on Mallorca, yes. Swimming, no. Although the Mediterranean islands are attracting visitors with beautiful weather, bikini temperatures are still a long way off. If the winter was mild, the hoped-for snow-covered ski resort could look pretty green in March, and the descent could end in a green-brown muddy meadow. But this is an exceptional case.


WHERE TO TRAVEL: Warm and cozy spring temperatures can be found in the Canary Islands at this time of year. Travel to Tenerife, Fuerteventura, or Gran Canaria – which are all great destinations for this month. For those who prefer something a little more unusual, there are the black beaches on La Palma – the sand can get very hot there.

It’s also worth testing the water temperature with your feet in Greece, Croatia, Spain, and Italy. Crete, Corfu, Sicily, etc., have a lovely atmosphere this time of year, and the towns and beaches are not overcrowded. There are so many amazing destinations in the month of April!

Wunderschön: San Andrés auf Teneriffa
Beautiful: San Andrés on Tenerife. Photo: Getty Images

BETTER AVOID: If you don’t have school-age children, avoid traveling around Easter (April 14-17, 2017). During the Easter vacations, prevalent throughout the country and other European nations, prices for hotels, flights, and rail travel soar – particularly at sought-after destinations like the Baltic Sea, Austrian ski resorts, and the Canary Islands. Spontaneous getaways are virtually out of the question.


Where to travel: Spring is in high season, and everything is in bloom! There are many great destinations to travel to this month. The perfect time for a hiking vacation in the otherwise overcrowded summer strongholds: Mallorca, Menorca, Madeira, Sicily, Sardinia, etc.

Der Pico do Arieiro ist der dritthöchste Berg auf Madeira
Pico do Arieiro is the third highest mountain in Madeira. Photo: Getty Images

But May is also ideal for city trips. What are you waiting for? Pack your weekend suitcases and travel to our neighbors, for example to Copenhagen, Budapest, Stockholm, Gdansk, Prague, Paris, Milan, Basel, Barcelona, Lisbon, London

Barcelona ist eine der vielseitigsten Metropolen Europas
Barcelona is one of the most versatile cities in Europe. Photo: Getty Images

In Southeast Asia, huge festivals are held in May to celebrate Buddha’s birthday. In South Korea and Hong Kong, temples or entire cities are decorated, and there are performances such as dances in traditional dress.

Better avoid: Buddha’s birthday is not exclusively a recommendation: if you don’t fancy overpriced hotels, crowded cities, and fully booked trains, you should avoid spending time in participating Asian countries and cities.


Where to travel: Off to the sea! For example, go to Travemünde or Rügen on the Baltic Sea or Sylt or Texel (Netherlands) on the North Sea. Before the official summer vacations begin, you’ll find the beach chairs unoccupied, and if fortune favors you, the weather will be your perfect companion. If you’re traveling with a dog, you don’t have to deal with non-dog owners and can let your furry friend run around on the beach without a leash.

The start of summer is also an excellent opportunity to explore your own country. Mountains, lakes, meadows, forests: You’ll be amazed at the natural splendor waiting on your doorstep.

Bei (gutem Wetter) wunderschön: Urlaub in Deutschland
Beautiful in (good) weather: Vacation in Germany. Photo: Getty Images

Better avoid: In São Paulo and other parts of Brazil, it is rainy and cold between May and July. The same applies to Argentina and Chile – so don’t travel there in June.

The rain and hurricane season also starts now in many countries. Cyclones, typhoons, and floods affect the marine regions around Panama, the Philippines, and Jamaica, among others.


Where to travel: The party season has begun on Mallorca. If you fancy sangria, long nights, and loud music, you should come to the island now. You have to have partied at Ballermann at least once in your life. Those who have already had this experience can relax in quieter corners of the island, such as Port d’Andratx or Sóller.

If you prefer something more exotic, travel to Brazil – to the north or north-east of the country. Here, it is cheap and pleasantly warm for Europeans in May, June, July, and August.

Die Altstadt von São Luís im Norden Brasiliens
The old town of São Luís in the north of Brazil. Photo: Getty Images

Better avoid: It’s winter in Australia in July! There are no heavy snowfalls or anything like that. But if you’re planning a beach vacation, you shouldn’t travel to Sydney at this time of year. It is better to postpone these travel plans to the German winter.

The hurricane season starts in June/July and continues into November. Miami, for example, is hot this time of year, but the probability of rain is very high. In some years, entire streets are flooded.


Where to travel: Iceland is located not far from the Arctic Circle, which is one reason for the low temperatures that prevail here all year round. In August, however, the capital Reykjavík reaches maximum temperatures of 13 degrees. So if you want to see volcanoes and whales, you should travel to the island state in August and accept that you won’t be able to wear mini shorts. It is also wonderfully warm on the German coasts now: everything smells of summer, flowers and the sea – and it is also possible to dine outdoors now.

Island bietet eine fantastische Natur. Im Foto: der Wasserfall am Berg Kirkjufell
Iceland offers fantastic nature. In the photo: the waterfall on Kirkjufell mountain. Photo: Getty Images

Better avoid: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas: It’s blisteringly hot in all these desert cities and emirates in August. Who wants to be constantly sweating at 40 degrees on vacation?

The same applies to a city trip to a European metropolis: the cities are overcrowded, the restaurants charge outrageously high prices, and you must queue for hours at tourist attractions. In many places, including Milan and Rome, many stores are closed at this time, making a shopping spree almost impossible.


Where to travel: To Las Vegas: As soon as the hot summer months are over, gamblers, bachelors, soon-to-be-husbands, and party bunnies herald the next party season. During the day you can lie by the pool and let the sun shine on your belly, at night you can roam around and not return home in the cold.

Im Herbst lohnt sich ein Trip ins Zocker-Paradies Las Vegas
A trip to the gambler’s paradise of Las Vegas is worthwhile in the fall. Photo: Getty Images

This also applies to the Canary Islands, except you won’t find casinos en masse here: The sun is shining, the air is mild, and the Atlantic is still nice and warm – perfect conditions for sun-seekers, swimmers, and surfers.

Better avoid: Many parts of Asia are now in the rainy season. For example, there can be heavy showers or even flooding on the Thai island of Phuket or in the north of the country. However, all-day rain is rather rare.

It also gets wet on the north-western coasts of the island of Borneo (Malaysia) and in Laos. The many unpaved roads are then no longer passable.


Where to travel: Like spring, autumn is ideal for hiking vacations and city breaks. While the leaves change color in Germany and the cold, wet weather sets in, you can recharge your batteries in many European destinations for the cold winter months ahead.

If you want to experience a real “Indian summer”, i.e. a golden October, you should travel to Canada now. Especially on the country’s west coast, the leaves turn the most stunning colors.

In the Westhavelland Nature Park (Brandenburg), tens of thousands of wild geese and cranes are spotted at resting places for migratory birds at this time of year. They, too, are fleeing the impending winter and flying south. You can watch the birds from several observation towers or book a tour where bird experts will show you the best spots.

Better avoid: Although the European coastal resorts are now suitable for a hiking vacation, it is often no longer possible to go swimming on the Greek island of Corfu or the Portuguese island of Madeira.


Where to travel: Ski fans can hardly wait for the season to start! That’s why many ski resorts host ski opening parties to ring in the start of the season. Some gondolas start operating as early as October, but the actual opening of the slopes is usually at the end of November or the beginning of December. And that’s when the party starts!

Or fly to Portugal in the second half of October/ first week of November, for example – super cheap and not overcrowded. The temperatures in the south are wonderfully pleasant, and with a bit of luck, it’s still warm in the north.

Better avoid: A rough wind blows on the coast. It gets particularly cold and uncomfortable on the North Sea and Baltic Sea. So it’s better to wait until next summer for your vacation in Gdansk and Soppot (Poland), or Föhr and Amrum. Or snuggle up in a vacation apartment with a fireplace and sauna. Alternatively, a rejuvenating stay at a wellness hotel could be the perfect antidote to the chill.


Where to travel: Fans of a kitschy, romantic Christmas dream of seeing the Christmas tree in New York City twinkling in front of Rockefeller Center. Those who want to take it to the extreme can travel to the official inauguration, the so-called “Tree Lightning.” Of course, you can use the trip to buy presents. New York City is definitely one of the best destinations to travel to this month.

Das Rockefeller Center in New York City mit dem berühmten Weihnachtsbaum
The Rockefeller Center in New York City with the famous Christmas tree. Photo: Getty Images

Seeking to escape the crowds and Christmas frenzy? Then why not travel to the other side of the world, to the Fiji Islands? Fantastic beaches, palm trees – and above all, peace and quiet – can be found here en masse. It’s also nice and warm in Dubai, Thailand, or Cambodia at this time of year.

Better avoid: While a Christmas shopping excursion to New York, Paris, or London has its charms, be prepared for steep hotel costs during this festive season. There’s often not much money left for gift shopping.


Where to travel: Get on your skis and go! January is peak skiing season – provided there is snow, there are many great destinations this month. If the winter delivers what it promises, Germany’s mountains will be a great destination for snowboarders, cross-country skiers, and skiers. And if there is not enough snow in German ski resorts, there are still good and nearby alternatives in Austria (Kitzbühel, Sölden), France (Chamonix), and Switzerland (Davos Klosters, Zermatt).

If you want to travel further afield, you can also whizz down the slopes in North America and Canada, for example, in the Rocky Mountains – where snow is guaranteed.

Tiefschnee, Sonne und klirrende Kälte: Der Januar ist der perfekte Monat für einen Skiurlaub
Deep snow, sun and freezing cold: January is the perfect month for a ski vacation. Photo: Getty Images

Don’t fancy the cold? Then fly towards the sun – to the Bahamas or Dubai, which are great destinations for this month, for example. With an outside temperature of 25 degrees (and 21 degrees water temperature), you can relax wonderfully.

Better avoid: In the typical European summer countries (Spain, Greece, Italy), the wind blows at a fresh 10 to 15 degrees, not to mention the water temperatures. A city trip at this time of year is also simply no fun. Better save your trips to Riga, Copenhagen, Dublin & Co. for good weather days in spring!

More on the topic


Where to travel: In the carnival month of February, revelers will find their paradise in western Germany. With screaming songs à la Alaaf and Helau, you can behave unabashedly here once a year. The carnival strongholds include the Rhineland (including Cologne, Bonn, and Düsseldorf), Hesse (including Frankfurt and Fulda), and Rhineland-Palatinate (including Mainz).

It’s nice and warm – and nowhere near as crowded as at Christmas time – in large parts of Asia in February. Therefore, these are great destinations for this month: In Thailand (including Koh Phangan, Phuket, and Koh Samui), Malaysia (including Pulau Langkawi), and Vietnam (including Phu Quoc, Nha Trang, and Mui Ne), the so-called cool season prevails, meaning temperatures of around 25 degrees and few rainy days. Ideal for a beach vacation.

Hoi An in Vietnam
Hoi An in Vietnam. Photo: Getty Images

Better avoid: Beach vacation enthusiasts eyeing Asia should consider that vast countries like China and Vietnam encompass a variety of climate zones. In the north of Vietnam, around Sapa, it can snow at this time of year. And in the north and west of China, it is also bitterly cold. So if you want to visit the Great Wall of China, don’t forget your winter coat and gloves.

The original of this article was published in 2017.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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