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Extreme, retro, or totally normal

And what type of a hiker are you?

Naked, retro and somehow a little extreme: this hiker combines several types in one person
Naked, retro, and somehow a little extreme: this hiker combines several types in one Photo: Getty Images

September 2, 2024, 3:59 pm | Read time: 4 minutes

Whether during the day or at night, with the latest equipment or traditional gear, barefoot or completely naked, hiking is popular – and attracts very different types. We present 14 types of hikers – from extreme to retro. Do you recognize yourself?

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Hikes are often still unpopular with schoolchildren, but for many adults, hiking is a hobby. The hour-long marches through forests and fields, over low mountain ranges and alpine meadows, have very different fans—a typology without any claim to completeness.

Extreme hiker

Ex-musician and extreme sportsman Joey Kelly could be a role model for this type. He crossed Germany in just under 18 days – on foot. Another example of the extreme hiker is “Brocken-Benno,” as 82-year-old Benno Schmidt from Wernigerode calls himself. He has climbed the Brocken, northern Germany’s highest mountain, 7390 times so far (as of August 6).

Benno Schmidt, genannt „Brocken-Benno“, ist 82 Jahre alt und hat den Brocken bereits fast 7400 Mal erklommen. Das Foto zeigt den stolzen Extremwanderer mit seinem Brocken-Pass, als er die 7000 voll gemacht hat
Benno Schmidt, known as “Brocken-Benno”, is 82 years old and has already climbed the Brocken almost 7400 times. The photo shows the proud extreme hiker with his Brocken Pass when he reached the 7000 mark. Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Naturalist hiker

Often led by a forester, mushroom expert, or ornithologist, this hiker is mainly seen at the weekend. Closely grouped around the group leader, the hardcore outdo each other with their detailed knowledge. The one who first spots a slow worm or a rare orchid takes the lead.

Naked hikers

They claim to be natural and don’t want to be photographed. Despite annoying mosquitoes, scratchy branches, and astonished onlookers, they go along their way undeterred as long as the authorities and temperatures allow. Unlike barefoot hikers, nude hikers do not do without footwear.

Noch sind Nacktwanderwege in Deutschland eine Seltenheit. In Trebbin soll 2015 der dritte eingeweiht werden
Nude hiking trails are still a rarity in Germany. The third was due to be opened in Trebbin in 2015. Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Night hikers

The night hikers wear all the more clothes. The fans of hiking in the dark can be found stalking bats in the Harz Mountains or on the Heidschnucken Trail under a full moon (see also: naturalist hiker).

Nachts ist Wandern noch viel spannender – zumindest für diesen Typus Wanderer
Hiking is even more exciting at night – at least for this type of hiker. Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Cultural hiker

This type of hiker also combines learning and nature, for example, on the trail of romantic monastery ruins.

Health hikers

Certified health hiking guides lead you through meadows and forests while herbal experts explain what is edible. Health is also a priority for fasting hikers.

Hikers with animals

Animal trekking is offered nationwide as a leisure activity. Hiking with a pony, dog, donkey, or llama is intended to provide balance and calm children down.

Mensch und Tier trotten gemeinsam durch die Landschaft. Ob das den Tieren gefällt, bleibt dahingestellt
People and animals trot through the countryside together. Whether the animals like it remains to be seen. Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Group hikers

Usually not performance-oriented. Singing and chatting, this hiker passes the time in a group – and often all the animals in the area, too. The destination is a table reserved long in advance in a forest tavern not far from the parking lot.


As a tech-savvy individualist, this hiker uses all the possibilities of the Internet to prepare his tours and calculate routes including altitude profiles. Similar to the geocachers.


With their eyes firmly fixed on their GPS device for satellite navigation, they break through the thicket and stumble over many a tree root.

Geocaching liegt im Trend
Geocaching is in vogue. Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Retro hikers

Older and predominantly male. This hiker hurries briskly through the forest in leather knickerbockers and a checked shirt and climbs every height. He follows silently from behind, only occasionally betrayed by the clacking of an old walking stick with a neatly nailed tin sign.

Bei diesem Wanderer passt alles zusammen – von der Lederhose übers Hemd bis hin zum Wanderstock. Ob es sich so besser wandern lässt?
With this hiker, everything fits together – from the lederhosen to the shirt to the walking stick. Does it make for a better hiking experience? Photo: dpa Picture Alliance

Trekking and hiking

These terms for days of hiking off the beaten track – for example, in Nepal or the eastern USA – are also used successfully in the marketing of equipment suppliers. Outdoor clothing, GPS devices, poles, rucksacks, and special footwear generate huge sums of money. The buyer could be, for example, an environmentally conscious student in early retirement with a dream destination of Gomera.

Pilgrim hiker

The pilgrim hiker prefers to hike along the Way of St. James to the north-western Spanish pilgrimage site of Santiago de Compostela, usually only part of the way. For some, their role model is the TV entertainer Hape Kerkeling, who has written a book about his experiences that is currently being made into a movie (“Ich bin dann mal weg”). Along Buddhist centers in Europe, there is the 6,000-kilometer-long Jizo Way.

Der Jacobsweg ist in – spätestens seit Hape Kerkelings Bestseller
The Way of St. James has been in vogue – at least since Hape Kerkeling’s bestseller. Photo: Getty Images
More on the topic

The average hiker

According to the study “The German Hiking Market 2014,” hikers are on average 52 years old. They want to experience nature and actively do something for their health. Right behind this, the average hiker mentions inward-looking motives such as stress relief and self-reflection. Preferred destinations are Bavaria and the Black Forest.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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