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The best travel tips for the Caribbean

Coconut Palm Beach in Isla Catalina in the Dominican Republic
Coconut Palm Beach in Isla Catalina in the Dominican Republic Photo: Getty Images

September 24, 2024, 6:32 am | Read time: 4 minutes

Endless powdered sugar beaches, palm-fringed picturesque bays, colorful colonial towns, and warm temperatures all year round – the Caribbean is a dream destination for all beach and sun worshipers.

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It is difficult to decide which of the many large and small islands in the Caribbean are the most beautiful. In the west are the Greater Antilles, with Caribbean classics such as Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. In the east, the Lesser Antilles, which stretch like a string of pearls with small island beauties such as Antigua, Guadeloupe, Barbados, and St. Lucia all the way to Trinidad and Tobago, and in the south, just off the Venezuelan mainland, the Dutch pearls of Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba beckon. If you have the time – and a bit of change – one of the best tips for the Caribbean is to visit several islands on one trip, as each is unique.

Our tip

If you’re seeking pure relaxation, one of the tips for the Caribbean is to consider traveling to one of the smaller, less crowded islands. For example, the tiny island of Anguilla, where there are hardly any sights to see or things to do – apart from indulging in the Caribbean feeling on one of the dream beaches. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, whose islands have remained largely untouched by mass tourism, still offer a bit of the unspoiled Caribbean. The small island of Bonaire, whose reef is one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world, is perfect for divers and snorkelers.

A tip for anyone visiting the Dutch Caribbean pearl Curaçao is to make a culinary stop at Marché Bieu, the old market hall in the island’s capital, Willemstad. Local specialties like goat stew and cactus soup sizzle in huge pots. You’ll sit at long tables among housewives and businesspeople, enjoying Creole cuisine.

Did you know that …

… you can travel to the Caribbean and still be in Europe? A total of 14 islands are geopolitically part of Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands. On Saint Martin, or Sint Maarten, you can even travel from France to the Netherlands – the island is divided between the two countries.

… there are colorful Swedish wooden houses in Gustavia, the main town on St. Barth? The island was Swedish for 92 years. Today, it belongs to France.

… more than 4,000 small and tiny islands make up the largest Caribbean country, Cuba?

Definitely do not …

… travel to the Caribbean during the hurricane season between June and mid-November. This is one of the most important tips for the Caribbean. If it hits really hard, there is a risk to life. Only the southern Antilles, such as Curaçao and Bonaire, are outside the hurricane region. There’s also no rainy season here.

Also interesting: The Dominican Republic, beyond the tourist enclaves


Maroon Festival: street festival from January 6 to 7 in Jamaica Carnival in February in Dominica
Heineken Jazz Festival: from March to April in San Juan in Puerto Rico Carnival in April in Puerto Rico
Tobago Cultural Festival: singing, dancing, and traditions between June and August in Scarborough in Trinidad and Tobago
Junkanoo Summer Festival: folk festival in July/August in the Bahamas Carnival in July/August in Cuba
Guy Fawkes Day: folk festival in November in the Bahamas

Language guide:

English: Spanish
Hello/good day: Buenas tardes
Goodbye: Adiós
Yes/No: Sí/No
Please/thank you: De nada/Gracias
My name is…: Me llamo…
Help: Necesito ayuda
I don’t speak Spanish: No hablo español
The bill, please: La cuenta, por favor
How much is…? Cuánto cuesta…?
Cheers: Salud!
Excuse me: Disculpe, Permiso, Perdón
One/Two/Three: Uno/Dos/Tres

More on the topic


Liberation Day (Cuba): January 1-2
Fiesta de la Epifania (Dominican Republic): January 6
Birthday of Eugenio Maria de Hostos (Puerto Rico): January 11
Bob Marley Birthday Bash (Jamaica): February 6
Day of the Liberation of Slaves (Puerto Rico): March 22
Labor Day (Cuba): May 1
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands): May 18
Independence Day (Bahamas): July 10
Independence Day (Jamaica): August 6
Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes (Dominican Republic): September 24
Descubrimiento de America (Dominican Republic): October 12
Day of Discovery (Puerto Rico): November 16

The original of this article was published in 2017.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

Topics Caribbean Cuba Dominican Republic
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