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10 valuable tips

How to stay healthy on a plane

Flying with a face mask - excessive or sensible?
Flying with a face mask - excessive or sensible? Photo: Getty Images

September 2, 2024, 3:44 pm | Read time: 5 minutes

What is not easy in everyday life seems like mission impossible on a plane: protecting yourself against all the germs and pathogens that other people throw into the air. But even if there are too many people in too small a cabin space, with water scarce and the air dry, it’s still not impossible to stay healthy! TRAVELBOOK reveals ten valuable tips for staying healthy.

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10 tips to stay healthy on the plane

1. Pay Attention to your hands! The most effective strategy to prevent the intake of others’ viruses and, therefore, stay healthy on the plane, is typically thorough handwashing. This prevents the pathogens on surfaces such as door handles, tables and counters from getting from your hands into your eyes, nose or mouth. However, on a plane, this task becomes challenging: the water in the lavatory is less than ideal, and it’s impractical to constantly unbuckle and leave your seat. The solution: cleaning and disinfectant wipes. These are also available in practical, compact sizes, especially for traveling.

2. It’s wise to disinfect everything within arm’s reach: the tray table, the back of the front seat, buttons, and switches. In particular, thoroughly disinfect the table in front of you, as this is where most germs linger. Pathogenic intestinal bacteria are known to be found there. Or the antibiotic-resistant germ MRSA, which can remain on surfaces for up to a week. Also full of pathogens are the seat belt and armrests on the plane. The plastic trays at the security gate, where passengers place their hand luggage for screening, are also anything but germ-free.

Um die Armlehne im Flieger entbrennt ja zuweilen ein heftiger Streit. Doch ob den Streithähnen immer bewusst ist, was für eine Keimschleuder so eine Lehne sein kann?
There are sometimes heated arguments about the armrests on the plane. But do the disputants always realize what a germ trap such a backrest can be? Photo: getty

3. Just let the germs blow away. Through the air conditioning. If you’ve ever believed the vent to be a significant virus spreader consisting of nothing but stale air, this insight may come as a surprise. In fact, the air in the air conditioning system is constantly being replaced by fresh, purified air, which is probably cleaner than the air in its immediate vicinity. Especially, if your fellow passengers have a recognizable cold and release droplets containing pathogens into it.

4. Avoid dehydration! The air above the clouds is very dry, which makes mucous membranes susceptible to viruses and bacteria. To stay healthy on the plane, make sure you moisturize regularly. For example, with nasal spray or eye drops. And, of course, drink plenty of water! Don’t be afraid to call for service if you have been dehydrated for a long time. And after landing, keep drinking!

Von wegen Virenschleuder! Die Klimaanlage im Flieger ist sehr viel besser als ihr Ruf.
Not a virus spinner! Air conditioning on planes is much better than its reputation. Photo: getty

5. Keep yourself warm! You are often exposed to large temperature fluctuations on a plane. If it was hot like a sauna in the cabin before take-off, you can still sometimes get the shivers on long-night flights – even the blankets distributed by the stewardesses are often of little help. So, to stay healthy on the plane, always take warm clothes with you in your hand luggage – cardigan, socks, and scarf – even if your destination is the tropics. You are still nowhere near there!

6. Be cautious of the blankets and pillows provided. Are they really well-packed and clean? Or perhaps someone has already used them? It’s best to bring a pillow or cover yourself. You can also use your winter coat as a blanket. Or a large, warm cloth. The blankets on the plane are rarely much thicker than this anyway.

An Bord sollte man viel Wasser trinken. Und wer lange auf dem Trockenen sitzt, sollte sich nicht scheuen, den Service zu rufen.
You should drink plenty of water on board. And if you’re sitting on dry land for a long time, don’t be afraid to call the service. Photo: getty

7. Is your seatmate coughing and sniffling to the point where you can almost visualize the germs in the air? Don’t hesitate to wear a face mask. This protects against droplet infections in particular. If you don’t have one with you (available from airport pharmacies, for example), you can also ask the flight attendants to let you change seats if there are still seats available. A move of one row further back will reduce the risk of infection.

8. Keep your circulation moving. Easy to say when sitting for hours on end, but not impossible. Get up as often as possible – once an hour would be ideal – loll around and walk a few steps. This not only helps you stay fit, but also prevents thrombosis.

Es müssen ja nicht gleich gymnastische Übungen im Mittelgang sein, aber für Bewegung sollten Sie auf alle Fälle regelmäßig sorgen.
It doesn’t have to be gymnastic exercises in the center aisle, but you should definitely make sure you exercise regularly. Photo: getty

9. Maintain a healthy diet! Does the in-flight menu include a cup of yogurt for dessert? Even if you’re not a big fan of dairy products, don’t skip it. Because yogurt supports the intestinal flora and can also protect against viruses from other passengers. It is also advisable to take a few healthy snacks with you – in case the on-board food is too heavy and greasy. And to bridge longer breaks.

10. Boost your immune system! The fitter your body is, the better it will be able to fend off attacking pathogens and stay healthy on the plane. So get plenty of sleep before the flight – and do everything else that is good for your immune system. Exercise, avoid stress, alcohol and cigarettes! And before you are at the mercy of the in-flight food, eat a healthy diet, for example, broccoli, kale, carrots, tomatoes, or spinach strengthen the body’s own defenses.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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