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This is the location of the “Jungle Camp” in Australia

At last, the jungle camp's filming location is back where it belongs: in Australia. More precisely, in the very north of the state of New South Wales, almost on the border with Queensland.
At last, the jungle camp's filming location is back where it belongs: in Australia. More precisely, in the very north of the state of New South Wales, almost on the border with Queensland. Photo: Getty Images

September 5, 2024, 8:16 am | Read time: 2 minutes

After the RTL show was filmed in South Africa last year due to Covid, the current 16th season of “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!” is once again taking place in the well-known camp in Australia. TRAVELBOOK provides an overview of exactly where filming is taking place and where the candidates are staying before and after their time in the jungle.

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At last, the jungle camp filming location is back where it belongs: in Australia. More precisely, in the very north of the state of New South Wales, almost on the border with Queensland.

Jungle camp filming location, not so remote after all

On TV, it looks as if the candidates (including Lukas Cordalis, Claudia Effenberg, and Djamila Rowe) are living in the deepest jungle, far away from any civilization. However, a look at the following map shows that this is not the case. In fact, you can see several buildings not far from the camp. Presumably this is where the film crew is housed who takes care of the production of the popular TV format. The camp itself is located a little further up on Dungey Creek. It is a small stream that presumably also serves as a water source and washing area for the jungle contestants.

Drehort des Dschungelcamps

Due to the humidity in the jungle, all kinds of animals can be found there, including spiders, scorpions, and snakes. As we saw in the first episodes of “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!”, the countless frogs also really get on the campers’ nerves.

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Where the candidates go after they are kicked out

Those who have to leave the jungle camp can then go to Palazzo Versace, where all the comforts of civilization await. The candidates have already lived there with their companions before their arrival and completion of their five-day quarantine. The Palazzo Versace is located on Australia’s Gold Coast and is a luxury hotel designed in the style of fashion designer Gianni Versace, who died in 1997. The campers can then indulge themselves there. The drive from the jungle camp location to the hotel takes just under an hour.

The original version of this article was published in 2023.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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