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New strict rules

Anyone who pees in the sea at this Spanish resort has to pay a fine of 750 euros

Playa de Venus in Marbella
The Spanish city of Marbella has introduced various new rules, some of them with hundreds of euros in fines (pictured: the Playa de Venus) Photo: Getty Images

September 2, 2024, 4:13 pm | Read time: 3 minutes

In the Spanish city of Marbella, there are now heavy fines for urinating in the sea. Repeat offenders face even higher costs. And peeing in the ocean and on the beach is not the only thing that is punishable in the popular vacation resort.

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Marbella is a popular vacation resort in the Andalusia region of Spain. Celebrities and sun-seekers alike flock to this southern Spanish hotspot on the Costa del Sol for their annual getaways. Apparently, many visitors also take the liberty of relieving themselves in the sea or on the beaches of Marbella. At least that’s what a regulation suggests, which has prohibited bathers from relieving themselves in or on the sea since 2004. The fines for such behavior have recently seen a significant increase.

Peeing in the sea in Marbella punished with at least 750 euros

Marbella’s new regulation aims to preserve the pristine condition of its beaches. According to the news site “Murcia Today,” the new, old regulations affect 25 beaches. Previously, people in Marbella had to pay 300 euros for peeing or “physiological evacuation at sea and on the beach,” as the ordinance states. Now, the fines have been more than doubled. Anyone caught peeing once on the beach or in the sea in Marbella risks a fine of 750 euros. Repeat offenders will be punished even more severely: 1,500 euros the second time and 3,000 euros the third time they pee on Marbella’s beaches. This is reported by the Spanish daily newspaper “El Correo.”

It also reports on the reactions to the regulation, which range from amused to outraged. The inability to prove such actions in the sea seems to be a particular point of contention among Marbella’s residents. The newspaper cites a beachgoer who humorously questioned on the TV show ‘Tiempo al tiempo.’ “Who’s going to catch you, the jellyfish?” he asked.

Adding to the absurdity, the American Chemical Society has found that peeing in the sea is not only harmless but can actually benefit marine plants. TRAVELBOOK, therefore, recently reported that peeing in the ocean is usually even recommended.

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Ball games, parties, and pets also prohibited

In addition to peeing in the sea or on the beach, several other activities will now be punished in Marbella. According to “Murcia Today,” if the regulation is officially enforced, ball and paddle playing will also be banned, at least wherever it could disturb other bathers. Unauthorized beach parties, competitions, and other events will also be banned. And reserving places with towels and other personal items, which is particularly popular with Germans, will also be punished. There are also fines for discarded cigarette butts and leftover food. Furthermore, pets have been banned from the beach, except in designated dog-friendly areas.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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