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According to a current ranking

Most of the millionaires worldwide live in these cities

Brownstone houses in Brooklyn, New York: Do you recognize the "richest" city in the world?
Do you recognize the "richest" city in the world? Photo: Getty Images

October 8, 2024, 5:03 pm | Read time: 2 minutes

Which cities in the world are home to the most millionaires? This question was the subject of a recent study by the British consultancy Henley & Partners. The result is a ranking of the richest cities in the world. A German metropolis can also be found in 16th place …

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A look at the world map shows that the richest cities in the world are mainly located in North America and Asia. The city in which by far the most billionaires and multi-millionaires live is in the US. It is New York City! This is the result of a study by the consulting firm Henley & Partners.

US cities in 1st and 2nd place, Asian metropolis in 3rd place

And the number is indeed impressive. There are a total of 349,500 millionaires in New York, including 744 centi-millionaires (with a fortune of 100 million US dollars or more) and 60 billionaires. The San Francisco Bay Area takes second place in the ranking with 305,700 millionaires. Of these, 675 people own at least 100 million US dollars and 68 are billionaires. The Japanese capital Tokyo follows in third place with 298,300 millionaires, including 267 centi-millionaires and 14 billionaires.

Reichste Städte
New York City is in first place among the richest cities in the world, with the most millionaires and billionaires living here

Frankfurt is the 16th richest city in the world

London is the only European city in the top ten richest cities in the world. At least one German metropolis can be found in 16th place in the ranking, namely Frankfurt on the Main. According to the study, 94,500 millionaires live in the bankers’ city. 155 of them have assets of more than 100 million US dollars, and no fewer than 15 billionaires live in Frankfurt am Main.

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The top 16 richest cities in the world at a glance

  1. New York, USA
  2. San Francisco Bay Area, USA
  3. Tokyo, Japan
  4. Singapore
  5. London, UK
  6. Los Angeles, USA
  7. Paris and Île-de-France, France
  8. Sydney, Australia
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Beijing, China
  11. Shanghai, China
  12. Chicago, USA
  13. Toronto, Canada
  14. Milan and the Lombardy region, Italy
  15. Melbourne, Australia
  16. Frankfurt on the Main, Germany

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