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What is allowed at the airport security check?

The security check at the airport is designed to prevent unauthorized items from being taken on board an aircraft. Passengers are checked with metal detectors
The security check at the airport is designed to prevent unauthorized items from being taken on board an aircraft. Passengers are checked with metal detectors Photo: Getty Images

September 7, 2024, 6:55 am | Read time: 2 minutes

Security staff at the airport are required to inspect passengers strictly. Anyone who refuses – for example during a body search – is not allowed to fly.

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No traveler gets past the security check at the airport. The Federal Police in Potsdam explains how far staff at German airports are allowed to go when checking passengers.

Removing items

Jackets, coats, vests, headgear, and the contents of trouser and shirt pockets are checked using an X-ray machine during the airport security check. Passengers must place everything in a plastic container and have it checked.

Baggage check

Bags, backpacks, small trolleys, and all other containers are also subjected to an X-ray check. A follow-up check may be necessary after the x-raying. The screening staff may manually search the entire contents of the bags for prohibited small items. If the passenger is asked to do so, they must empty the entire contents of their hand baggage.

Passengers usually pass through a metal detector first. If the device sounds an alarm, the passenger may be checked with a hand-held metal detector probe. To do this, they must raise their arms or lift their feet if necessary. But that’s not all: if a person cannot be sufficiently checked in this way, so-called discretion cabins are available for further inspection. The screening staff may ask the passenger to remove other items of clothing in order to find hidden objects on their body.

Electronics check

Laptops, large cameras, and tablet computers must be placed in a tray without a protective cover and also x-rayed during the airport security check. Electronic devices can also be checked for explosives using a swipe test. Staff may even ask the owner to switch on the devices to prove that they are working properly. If the battery is empty, sockets for power supply units or chargers are available.

More on the topic


Bottles of liquids, gels, and aerosols must also be screened separately during the airport security check. Staff may ask the guest to remove containers with liquids from their hand baggage for re-scanning. These will then be scanned again.

The Federal Police would like to point out that the security check is voluntary. No passenger has to undergo the procedure. However, if they refuse, they will not be allowed to enter the security area and will miss their plane. Prohibited items can be handed in, given to someone at the airport, stored, or checked in as checked baggage.

The original version of this article was published in 2014.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of TRAVELBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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